The Material Handling Blog

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Bridging the Labor Gap: Common Warehouse Automation Considerations

October 18, 2023
The ongoing labor shortage crisis is being felt across various sectors, with warehousing being no exception, and its impact threatens efficiency and productivity. The question being asked today by most manufacturers and distributors is not “Should I automate?” but rather “When and how much should I automate?” To best answer those questions, it’s crucial to first understand common material handling and automation considerations.

Is It Time for Warehouse Automation? Identifying the Need

August 24, 2023
Are you considering refining your warehouse operations and improving customer satisfaction? One of the transformative solutions that has gained significant traction in recent years is automating warehouses by integrating material and product processes through material handling equipment. By introducing and integrating robots, conveyor systems with intralogistics solutions, companies can revolutionize the way warehouses can run. However, the question remains – how do you know when warehouse automation is needed?

Warehouse Data Analysis: Time Consuming but Vital

August 02, 2023
“Garbage in, garbage out”; that’s the typical mantra for simulation and consulting studies as it relates to the quality of the inputs and the resultant quality of the outputs. Having worked with companies small and large, across a variety of industries, we know one thing is true – every bit of detail counts to ensure we can help our customers maximize their operations.

Goods to Person Systems Stretch Beyond Social Distancing Benefits

December 09, 2020
Various goods-to-person technologies have risen to the challenge of social distancing by creating naturally spaced workstations for employees and allowing companies to continue their business momentum. In some cases, ramping up to match shifts like we’ve seen in ecommerce. In Q3 2020, about $1 in every $5 was spent on online sales, according to U.S. Commerce Department retail data.

Using a Gaming Engine for Agile Supply Chain Optimization

May 12, 2020
How embracing agility and operational responsiveness in supply chain modeling and network design software gives businesses the best opportunity for success.

Measure Twice, Cut Once: Getting the Most Out of Your System Data

October 23, 2013
In junior high I’d taken a "Shop" class. Here I honed my love for building, creating and also learned a valuable life lesson: measure twice and cut once. I still find this adage helpful to this day, especially when helping new clients analyze their operations and prep for the future.
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

